Rising debt levels: Pakistan’s national debt surpasses Rs61 trillion

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The federal government has witnessed a substantial increase in its total debt, which has surged to nearly Rs62 trillion. This significant escalation is primarily attributed to the government’s strategic borrowing from both domestic and foreign sources, a measure aimed at covering the fiscal deficit.

According to The News, data from the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) reveals that as of July 2023, the total debt of the government stands at Rs61.75 trillion. This figure reflects a substantial year-on-year increase of 22.11 per cent, compared to Rs50.57 trillion recorded in July 2022. Furthermore, on a month-on-month basis, the government’s debt exhibited a 1.49 per cent increase from Rs60.84 trillion in June 2023.

The surge in the debt burden can be predominantly attributed to the government’s reliance on domestic and foreign borrowing mechanisms to address fiscal deficits.


Breaking down the composition of the debt, data from the central bank highlights that a significant portion of Rs39.02 trillion is domestically sourced, representing a notable year-on-year growth of 24.08 per cent. This domestic debt comprises Rs29.59 trillion in long-term debt and Rs9.29 trillion in short-term debt. The remaining Rs22.73 trillion is external in nature.

By the close of July 2023, the government’s long-term debt had escalated by 24.44 per cent year-on-year to Rs29.59 trillion when compared to the figure of Rs23.78 trillion recorded in the same period a year earlier. In parallel, short-term debt exhibited a substantial year-on-year increase of 27.14 per cent as opposed to Rs7.31 trillion in July 2022.

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