Increase in organised retail robberies feared as iPhone 15 hits shelves

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As the highly anticipated release of Apple’s iPhone 15 approaches, mobile phone retailers are bracing themselves for a potential surge in organised robberies.

Thefts involving groups of individuals targeting telecom stores, a phenomenon sometimes referred to as “steaming,” have become a growing concern in recent years. Shockingly, there were over 300 reported incidents of such robberies in telecom stores last year alone, with half of them occurring in the last three months of 2022, directly following an iPhone launch.

Data published by the Crime Communications Strategy Group (CCSG) highlights this alarming trend. In response, Three UK is taking proactive steps to combat the rise in robberies by implementing watermarking technology in partnership with Selecta DNA and the National Business Crime Centre. This innovative approach involves placing unique codes on high-value products, enabling law enforcement to track stolen items more effectively.


Mark Ward, Chair of CCSG, emphasises their commitment to this crime-fighting initiative, stating, “It’s a deterrent. We are going to have signs in our stores, and we are hoping that will deter people from taking them in the first place.”

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Apple’s iPhone 15 is scheduled to hit the shelves on Friday, September 22, with the most expensive version carrying a hefty price tag of £1,199. The high value and desirability of these devices make them prime targets for thieves.

Joel Thompson, store manager for Three UK’s flagship store in London’s Oxford Circus, shares a chilling experience: “The worst experience I had was when about four people came into the store, and you could see them really aggressively taking the phones.” He adds that this incident occurred while customers were browsing and that the thieves even threatened staff to step back and not intervene. Thompson also notes a concerning shift in the behaviour of these criminals, stating that they have become “more aggressive” over the years.

Thompson raises a poignant question, wondering if the increase in these crimes could be connected to the broader cost of living crisis affecting many communities.

According to Sky News, Paul Fagg, a police inspector with the National Business Crime Centre, sheds light on the impact of such incidents on victims and staff: “You have got a group of sometimes grown adults running into a store, threatening and intimidating [people]. We know firsthand the effect that has on the victim and the staff in that store. So we are very much trying to change the message and the mentality around the idea that business crime is   victimless crime.”

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While Three UK staff have been advised to step back during steaming incidents, smaller, independent phone shop owners are grappling with significant losses they cannot afford. Muhammad Fahad, the proprietor of Fone City Shop in St. Albans, experienced this firsthand when armed men entered his store earlier this year. He tried to resist but ultimately had to yield. “Basically, they took everything.”More than £10,000 worth of products,” Fahad recounts. He is still coping with the emotional and financial fallout, calling for increased police support to protect small businesses like his.

As the launch of the iPhone 15 looms, retailers and law enforcement agencies are working together to deter and combat organised robberies. The watermarking technology, coupled with increased vigilance, aims to make these high-value products less appealing to thieves. However, it remains a challenging battle for businesses, especially smaller ones, to protect themselves from the growing threat of steaming incidents.

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