
A-level’s Maths exam leaked on May 2

News Desk

May 09

It has been revealed that the A Level Mathematics paper to be held in the country on May 2 has been leaked.

Mehtab Haider of The News reported about many ‘O’ level and ‘A’ level students complaining that a mathematics paper was allegedly leaked on May 2, 2024.
They said that there was a need to hold an independent inquiry and if it was proved that the paper was leaked, then a fair method should be applied to avoid any kind of a disadvantaged position for students.

“We have studied days and nights for a whole year and then came out from my examination center and found that the Maths paper held on May 2, 2024 got leaked. It caused headache as I had solved 99 percent correctly,” one aggrieved student told The News on Tuesday. If Cambridge decides to continue with the Maths paper held on May 2, 2024, then its threshold should not be done in a strict manner. “We want fairer treatment in this whole episode,” the student added.

“We are looking into concerns raised about a potential paper leakage on 02 May 2024 for AS Level Mathematics 9709 Paper 12. This is being investigated, and Cambridge and the British Council are in close communication,” said the British Council in their official response on social media.

Pakistan’s Ministry of Education also contacted the British Council and they were assured that the investigation was underway with regard to this alleged leakage.


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