Adil Raja detained in London

Adil Raja

YouTuber Major (retd) Adil Raja has been detained by the London police, Geo has reported.

It is still not clear on what charges Raja is being held. However, it is pertinent to mention here that a case was registered against him two days ago at Ramna Police Station in Islamabad under the charges of counterterrorism and treason on the request of Muhammad Islam, a resident of the capital city.

Raja’s attorney Mehtab Aziz told Geo News that he hasn’t been able to reach his client since the past 24 hours.


Raja was known for running a YouTube channel named ‘Soldier Speaks’. He got famous earlier this year in January when he claimed that some Pakistani actresses and models were working in cahoots with General (retd) Qamar Javed Bajwa and former ISI chief General Faiz Hameed to trap politicians.

Raja has been accused by his detractors of peddling fake news and sensationalism.

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