Aftab Iqbal hits back at Sohail Ahmed
In a recent interview with Ahmed Ali Butt, veteran star Sohail Ahmed discussed various topics such as theater in Pakistan, his experiences working with several individuals including Aftab Iqbal, and the country’s political landscape, including periods of dictatorship.
During the interview, the comedian heavily criticized Aftab Iqbal, his co-worker on Hasb e Haal. Ahmed accused Iqbal of lacking respect for his colleagues and behaving arrogantly, considering himself a know-it-all, charges that have been levelled at the host many times. Ahmed also disapproved of Iqbal’s conduct, suggesting that he should adopt a more humble attitude towards life and his colleagues.
Not one to take criticism lying down, Aftab Iqbal fired back at Sohail Ahmed’s comments, stating that he used to feel shy in front of the camera but clarified that he had been writing columns before starting Hasb e Haal, a show he had come up with. Aftab also praised Sohail’s acting abilities and highlighted the significance of having a good writer and director for an actor’s success. He also expressed respect for Sohail’s talent, noting the lack of greatness in various fields in the country nowadays.
He said, “I was the one who suggested to Sohail Ahmed to bring on more comedians. Initially, he didn’t want to bring on more actors. However, later on, he implemented everything I had suggested for Hasb e Haal. I understand how my clothing provides material for comedians, and that’s something I aim for every time I make a fashion statement.”