
Air conditioners are contributing in global warming: Experts

News Desk

Jul 19

Experts warn that air conditioners, primarily used to beat the heat and cool rooms, are contributing to global warming by heating up the environment and increasing temperatures.

In cities where tree cover is decreasing, the number of air conditioners is rising.

Ecologists from the University of Agriculture explain that while ACs cool indoor spaces, they simultaneously heat the outdoor environment, leading to higher temperatures.

ACs can raise outdoor temperatures by as much as 60 to 80 degrees Celsius in extreme conditions and has reportedly caused temperatures to rise by half a degree Celsius over the past century.

Experts further warn that continued proliferation of air conditioners to cool environments could irreversibly damage natural ecosystems.

Instead of disregarding environmental warnings, experts urge increasing urban tree cover as a sustainable alternative to cooling the environment without exacerbating global warming.


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