Big idea into a successful business? Read this book

The first thing you need to know about the book “Sprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days” is that it’s been written by the guys at Google. Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz are three partners at Google Ventures, an organisation that helps entrepreneurs by investing in their startups.

Post it notes play a big role in the Sprint methodology

The book isn’t tedious at all, which is what someone would expect from a book that discusses how to resolve problems. It gives you simple instructions and examples on how to sort out the issue your start up (or big firm) is facing.

The book is very hands on, asking the reader to arrange five days for five long sessions of meetings to identify a problem, question it, work it out and test it. So in just five days, you are able to test an idea and see if it works or not.


Interactive brainstorming leads to effective meetings

Although the method described in the book is for an already up and running startup, or a big business, the ideas and methodology can apply to one person or two. It just helps sort out a muddled idea or a difficult plan. And is a fun read too.

Don’t want to buy or read the book? Here is the video version of what the book is all about

We actually tried implementing the method which is why we are such big fans of it. We used the plan for day one and day two and implemented it on a small group of people who needed to resolve a problem and it was an effective way of getting the problem identified and also coming up with a solution to resolve it.

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