Foreign Minister (FM) Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari took a jibe at Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan after the PTI chief did a press conference about the Toshakhana watch scandal.

Taking to Twitter, the minister called Khan a “ghari chor”. He asked whether Khan had dissolved the Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) assemblies. “Of course not”, he said.

He said that Khan’s efforts to turn “institutions into his tiger force to do his unconstitutional bidding failed before and will fail again.”


On Sunday, Khan accused the media of looking the other way on important matters and instead focusing on what he implied were trivial issues, such as the Toshakhana watch scandal.

“The channels that used to bash the PTI government for inflation, those channels are quiet now and are instead focused on a watch,” he said in a press conference in Lahore.

“It’s my watch. I can sell it, or do whatever I want. No one is talking about the economic murder being committed right now.”

Last month, Bilawal predicted that Khan’s party would not resign from assemblies despite his announcement to do so. He, further claimed that Khan is “lying” as he will not resign from Punjab and KP assemblies.