Anant Ambani, the youngest child of Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani, may be on track to set a world record for the longest wedding celebration. The extravagant affair has featured numerous pre-wedding functions attended by celebrities, businessmen, and politicians from around the globe.
Money has been openly displayed, culminating in an exhaustive series of events before Anant finally tied the knot with his fiancée Radhika Merchant.
The wedding itself was a star-studded extravaganza, with Bollywood stars donning Pakistani designer dresses and joining in the celebrations.
Notably, celebrities like Sara Ali Khan, Hardik Pandya, AP Dhillon, and Anand Piramal were spotted wearing outfits by Pakistan’s top designers Faraz Manan and Iqbal Hussain. The Ambani family radiated joy as they celebrated the marriage of their youngest son, with Bollywood celebrities dancing the night away while influential figures showered blessings on the happy couple.
Check the pictures below: