‘Chai Wala’ now owns a tea cafe in Islamabad
Arshad Khan, who became popular as the ‘Chai wala’ a few years ago has now opened up his own cafe in Islamabad.
In an interview with Urdu News, Arshad Khan shared he has now opened his own chai café and named it ‘Chai Wala’.
“People suggested me to name the café after my own name, Arshad Khan,” said Khan. “But making chai is a part of my identity that I cannot let go of.”
The café has lots of truck artwork with tables and chairs having a ‘desi’ touch to them.
“There are at least 15 to 20 dishes apart from chai”, shared Arshad. “Running this cafe is the most important thing for me right now so I am giving this more time because it is attached to my name.”
Talking about his showbiz career, Arshad said, “Two to four episodes of my TV show have been released. I will also give some time to that.”
In the future, Arshad wants to make an institute where children whose parents cannot afford their education can study.
Arshad Khan became an overnight sensation after a picture of him making chai went viral on social media back in 2016. Following that, he also did some modelling projects back then.