Come to see the pig in a wig? Dursley home stalked by Potterheads, residents complain
If you’re stepping down Privet Drive, Little Whinging, with a clear agenda to find the black cat that’s actually Professor McGonagall walking near a certain house so you could beg her for the Hogwarts letter, we’re sorry to inform you that its too late for it to happen, as the residents of Dursley House have put their foot down.
According to the British tabloid, The Mirror, the residents who are currently staying at the Dursley’s house in Privet Drive in 2016, are now fed up with the consistent stream of fans flooding their doorstep, even one bizarre instance of a fan bringing their Ford Angelia to the house and taking a photo along side it.
“We’ve had people in floods of tears. It’s bizarre. The kids, you get it. But obviously the adults. They dress up sometimes in full gear and recreate scenes.
“People have travelled miles. From all over the world. People are sometimes really awkward. We are used to it, but not used to it in a way.”
“Ten is the maximum we’ve had but people come in groups. People come in cars and it’s all day and sometimes at night. The school holidays are the worst.”
Really could help if the residents could bloat up like Aunt Marge and float away?