Shah Rukh Khan’s latest film ‘Pathaan’ has become a bonafide blockbuster, with hot songs like ‘Besharam Rang’ and ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ topping the charts. Fans have been spotted reenacting King Khan’s dance moves in cinemas, in colleges, and now a particular one has caught Khan’s eye.
A few days ago, a middle-aged woman dancing to the iconic ‘Jhoome Jo Pathaan’ went viral on social media
In a Q&A fan session with Amazon Prime in celebration of ‘Pathaan’s’ release on the streaming platform, Khan watched the clip and complimented the lady on her stellar dance moves, joking that they would have removed actor Deepika Padukone and asked her to star in the movie instead.
Khan also answered other questions from his fans, like revealing that his favorite action sequence from the film was on a frozen lake which involved motorcycles.
Watch the entire video below: