Exchange rates for today: PKR closes over 13 paisa lower against US dollar

USD to PKR exchange rate

The Pakistani rupee (PKR) dropped by 13.38 paisa, or 0.05 per cent, against the US dollar in the interbank market on Monday, ending the day at PKR 278.70, according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP).

During the session, the highest bid for Pakistani currency was 278.90, while the lowest ask was 278.70.

In the open market, exchange companies quoted the greenback at 279.10 for buying and 280.94 for selling.


Since the start of the financial year, the PKR has depreciated by 35.88 paisa or 0.13 per cent against the US dollar, while in the current calendar year, it has appreciated by 3.16 rupees, or 1.13 per cent.

CurrencyPrevious rateToday’s rateChange
US DollarPKR 278.57PKR 278.7013.38 paisa
British PoundPKR 367.19PKR 365.221.97 PKR
EuroPKR 309.58PKR 308.211.37 PKR
Chinese YuanPKR 39.32PKR 39.1912.96 Paisa
Saudi RiyalPKR 74.21PKR 74.264.75 Paisa
Swiss FrancPKR 330.82PKR 329.371.44 PKR
UAE DirhamPKR 75.88PKR 75.843.64 Paisa
Japanese YenPKR 1.9549PKR 1.94750.74 Paisa
Exchange rates

The British Pound on Monday became cheaper, falling by 1.97 rupees to close at 365.22, down from 367.19 the previous day. The PKR strengthened by 1.37 rupees against the Euro, ending at 308.21 compared to the earlier value of 309.58.

The Chinese Yuan lost 12.96 paisa, closing at 39.19 compared to 39.32 from the last session. The Saudi Riyal gained 4.75 paisa, finishing at 74.26, up from 74.21 the day before.

The Swiss Franc declined by 1.44 rupees, closing at 329.37, down from 330.82. The UAE Dirham increased by 3.64 paisa, rising to 75.84 from 75.88.

Against the Japanese Yen, the PKR gained 0.74 paisa, closing at 1.9475 compared to 1.9549 the previous day.

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