
Eid ul Azha: 5 things that can only happen in Pakistan

News Desk

Aug 08

Eid is just around the corner and we as Pakistanis see a lot of interesting things that probably only happen in our country. These things enhance the spirit of Eid and give us something to smile about.

From our roofs to our plates

Crane lifting the cattle from the rooftops have become a common sight in Karachi. Amused pedestrians stand on the sides and enjoy watching the cows and goats being lifted from the roofs to the grounds.

Animal service stations

Have you ever thought of taking your Qurbani animal to a service station? If not, then you should now start planning to go to the service station where your animal will get a shower for as less as Rs 100.

Runaway animal

Oh, this one is the most interesting. We all are united when it comes to catching the runaway animal. If (God forbid) your animal runs away, then everyone’s got your back – from your neighbours to random people on the street – everyone will drop what they are doing and run after the animal and join your struggle to catch it.

Bakra on bike

This is the most common. We all have seen this somewhere while on road. People taking their sacrificial goat or sheep on their bike with one person accompanying it on the back seat.

Meet Trump at the cattle market

You can see this only in Pakistan that animals are named after political leaders. And the cattle owners proudly introduce them with their interesting names.


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