Actor Naumaan Ijaz stated on his chat show G Sarkar that the Ertugrul star Esra Bilgic is the Yasir Hussain of Turkey. Elaborating his answer he added that whenever she posts a picture it offends her followers here, hinting at her bold pictures which received flak from her Pakistani followers.
Esra gained mass popularity in Pakistan after Ertugrul’s broadcast on Pakistani satellite for her character of Halima Sultan.
After months of being patient and forgiving Pakistani viewers for their comments on her choice of clothes and outfits, Esra finally hit out at a troll who asked her not to wear “such dresses”.
Under a recent Instagram post, a social media user by the name Astounding Ali commented: “Please don’t wear such dresses Halima baji, not good.”
READ MORE: ‘Ayeza has more followers, Pakistanis made her popular’: Yasir Hussain slams Esra Bilgic