
Expert’s daughter invades BBC interview, asks ‘Mummy, what’s his name?’

News Desk

Jul 02

With work from home becoming the new normal, parents across the globe now have a double job: they have to balance their work and look after their kids, all at the same time.

A working parent, Dr Clare Wenham was recently live on BBC from home discussing the lockdown situation in England and how staying indoors is a learning process for locals amid the outbreak of the virus.

That’s when her daughter Scarlett interrupted the interview and started pestering her mother to help her choose the best shelf to display her art.

BBC presenter Christian Fraser stepped in and asked Dr Clare: “What’s your daughter called?”

Wenham replied, “Her name is Scarlett.”

Fraser told Scarlett that her art looked better on the lower shelf. In response, Scarlett asked her mother: “Mummy, what’s his name?” to which Fraser politely said, “My name is Christian.”

The entire episode was recorded and shared on BBC UK’s official Twitter handle. People on the internet found the entire episode very cute.




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