
Fake Pakistani woman ‘lures’ Indian soldier into sharing top-secret info over Facebook

News Desk

May 17

An Indian soldier has been arrested for passing information on troop movements and military exercises to an alleged Pakistani spy, who “honey trapped” him on social media.

Honey trapping is an investigative practice that uses romantic relationships for political or monetary gains.

According to India Today, the 26-year-old havildar, posted in an infantry battalion in Madhya Pradesh, was reportedly charmed into sharing the information by a Pakistani woman whose profile claimed she was an international journalist.

As they chatted “regularly” on Facebook and WhatsApp, he began supplying her with sensitive information on military maneuvers, eventually even receiving assignments regarding what information to provide.

The soldier was finally arrested on Thursday after six months’ surveillance by military intelligence.

There has been a surge in the number of Indian soldiers that are tricked by Facebook accounts being operated from within Pakistan into revealing sensitive information, including troop and tank movements.

According to a CNN report, Indian soldiers are “honey trapped” into giving sensitive information to fake Pakistani Facebook accounts which highlights the widespread “catfishing” problem facing India’s military.


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