
Fatima Bhutto has advice for celebs and their ‘hot takes’ on Palestine

Optimum Tech

Oct 11

As the Palestine seige continues to rage on, several celebrities expresses their opinions, however, most of them received backlash. Rapper Talha Anjum and former wife to Imran Khan, Jemima Goldsmith were slammed by social media for releasing statements that were taking a neutral stance.

Writer and columnist Fatima Bhutto has taken it upon herself to advice celebrities that it’s okay for them to refuse to comment on the Palestine war, because sometimes it’s better to stay silent than bombard others with unverified facts!

“Will celebrities and their PR teams please stop issuing statements on Palestine? They are incoherent and dishonest. When you have no courage of conviction it shows . There is slaughter taking place,” Bhutto wrote.

In the next slide, Bhutto shared the irony of whether these celebrities would give the same ‘all side’s matter’ monologue during gruesome sieges including the Warsaw Ghetto or Rwanda.

“All I can say is thank god these celebs weren’t asked for their solidarity during Jim Crow (they’d find ways to ‘hold space for both sides’), the Warsaw Ghetto uprising, Rwanda, the Bosnian war or any other massacres and gross injustices of our times.”

Yesterday Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai was criticised by social media users for her statement on the Palestine-Israel war, with several users questioning why the Pakistani activist was quick to condemn the Ukrainian war, but not this.


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