Yesterday, an Instagram post from a user named Ali Hamid has been going viral on social media because it accused actors Aiman Muneeb and Minal Khan of exploiting workers, delaying salaries and unprofessional behavior at their organization ‘Aiman Minal Closet’.
The user had written that he had worked at the organization for a year and during his time he witnessed how employees were exploited and over-worked, but were not provided with a salary:
“They never paid me on time. Despite being such big names. They never pay their employees and whenever you message Maaz (their brother) about salary, he’d say he’ll transfer it the next week but you never really get the salary.
They owe me my six months salary and there are many employees who didn’t get their salary but didn’t do anything out of respect.
They treat their employees like slaves and disrespect them all the time but never pay them. They’re earning millions from their brand but when it comes to paying their employees, they take a back seat.”
You can read his complete statement here:
However, the organization has responded to the allegations by clarifying that Muneeb and Khan were not innvolved in the daily operations of the company:
“Aiman Khan and Minal Khan are NOT involved in the daily operations of the company, it’s owned by Maaz Khan; hence they cannot and should not be held responsible for any human resource related issue.”
Furthermore, the statement called the allegations an attempted “smear campaign” to malign the reputation of the actors, and will be dealt with through a legal procedure.
“The recent allegations by certain individuals who were ex-employees of the brand are trying to malign the reputation of Aiman Khan and Minal Khan via a planned smear campaign ; which will be responded legally.”