Juicy, pulpy and tasty, lychees are one of summer’s most-loved fruits. From improving the immunity to aiding weight loss, lychees have many health benefits.

Here are some of the benefits of the fruit: 

Improves immunity

Lychees are rich in vitamins that stimulate the activity of white blood cells that defend the body against germs, viruses and other foreign materials. Lychees also have more than 100% of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid (natural water-soluble vitamin )that works exceptionally well for boosting your immunity. 


Good for your skin

Lychee can help reduce signs of aging and blemishes. Vitamin E in lychees helps to heal sunburn that causes pain and irritation and helps keep the skin healthy and glowing.

Helps indigestion

Lychee has dietary fibres that help in the digestion process. It can be very beneficial for constipation and other tummy problems. It also stimulates gastric and digestive juices helping effective nutrient absorption.

Reduces inflammation

Lychees have anti-inflammatory properties. This helps is fighting flu and infections during the summer months.

Aids Weight Loss

Lychee is a great source of dietary fibre which plays an important role in weight loss. Lychee contains high water content and has reduced fat content which further makes it a perfect fruit for weight loss. It is also low on calories, making it a fulfilling snack.