How many people are married in Pakistan? Gallup report reveals

Gallup Pakistan, an opinion poll agency, has released a new survey on marital status in the country.

The survey was conducted via telephone from June 28 to July 10, and 755 men and women from all four provinces participated.

Four out of every five Pakistanis, i.e. 80 per cent, are married, while 20 per cent are unmarried.


The rate of married Pakistanis is higher among women and the rural population, with the rate of married women being 12 per cent higher than that of men.

75 per cent of urban and 83 per cent of rural women were identified as married.

Notably, in the survey, 56 per cent of Pakistanis aged 30 and 96 per cent of Pakistanis above 50 said they were married.

As for the duration of marriages, 30 per cent have been married for five to 10 years, 17 per cent fall between two to five years, 17 per cent were married for 10 to 15 years, and 13 per cent have been together for more than 25 years of marriage.

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