
How to beat the heat without AC

News Desk

May 27

Summers have officially unleashed their wrath in Pakistan with temperatures soaring leaving people dehydrated and feeling very hot. Not everyone has the option of an air conditioner and even if they do, many might prefer to save some money on your electricity bill or care about the environmental impact. Here are a few suggestions for staying cool, even without AC.

Stay hydrated

When you’re hot and exhausted, hydrating yourself is the first and foremost step to cooling down. Try to drink as much water as you can and stay hydrated.

Take a cold shower using peppermint soap

You can take your cold shower experience to the next level by using peppermint products. The menthol in peppermint products activates brain receptors that convey whether something you’re eating or feeling is cold. Taking a cold shower generally helps cool your body by lowering your core temperature.

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Use heat-blocking curtains

One of the best ways to keep your home cool in the summer is to keep the sun out and give the hot air somewhere to go. One should consider using some heat-blocking curtains or chics to block the heat. Once the temperature starts to get a little cooler outside, open those curtains and let the warm air out. 

Consume summer drinks

Drink fresh juices and you can add Tukhm-e-Balanga (Basil Seeds), Gond katira or sattu in your drink to stay cool and hydrated.

Use the exhaust fan in your kitchen and/or bathroom

Turn on the exhaust fan in your kitchen to let the hot air out that rises after you cook or in your bathroom to draw out steam after you bath.


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