FBR seizes counterfeit cigarettes worth Rs96 million in nationwide crackdown

fbr revenue goals

In a sweeping enforcement effort spanning the nation, the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) has confiscated 1,235 packs of counterfeit cigarettes, valued at approximately Rs96 million.

Under the guidance of FBR Chairman, Malik Amjed Zubair Tiwana, and the direct supervision of Mir Badshah Khan Wazir, Member Inland Revenue (Operations), IR Field Formations of FBR executed a comprehensive crackdown on counterfeit and non-stamped cigarettes.

During the operation, which targeted evasion practices, a total of 4,652 retail outlets were inspected nationwide. Out of these, 33 establishments were found engaged in illicit tobacco trade and subsequently sealed.


The enforcement drive involved a significant deployment of resources, with a total of 204 teams comprising 1,047 personnel dedicated to the mission of curbing the circulation of illicit cigarettes.

Chairman FBR, Malik Amjed Zubair Tiwana, and Member Inland Revenue (Operations) Mir Badshah Khan Wazir commended the diligent efforts of the IR field formations involved in the operation.

Despite facing constraints in human resources and logistics, the Inland Revenue Enforcement Network persistently strives to eliminate the menace of illicit tobacco trade.

The successful outcome of this operation underscores the FBR’s commitment to combating illegal activities and safeguarding public health and revenue integrity.

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