Imran Khan should receive ‘exemplary punishment’ for May 9 attacks, says Sindh Governor

Imran Khan should receive ‘exemplary punishment’ for May 9 attacks, says Sindh Governor

Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori has called for severe punishment for Imran Khan, the Chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, emphasizing that the former Prime Minister should be held accountable for planning and carrying out the attacks that targeted the Pakistan Army in various cities of Pakistan.

Speaking at a press conference held at the Pakistan High Commission in London, the Governor stated that he believes Khan should have been swiftly punished within a week after the attacks to send a strong message to deter others from trying to harm the country’s armed forces in a similar way.
“I believe that those involved in the May 9 attacks should not have been processed through the courts, they should have been publicly sentenced. Those put in jail should have been sentenced a long time ago for their attacks on Pakistan army installations, for attacking the corp commander’s house, for attacking the [General Headquarters] GHQ, for attacking the Pakistan Army physically and for the vandalism. What they did were acts of terrorism.

“Nobody anywhere is allowed to attack even a police station. Protests happen all over the world but terrorism and vandalism are not allowed in the civilised world. It shouldn’t be like this where you get involved in acts of terror and then the cases go on in courts for years without any punishment for anyone. Our patriotism demands it,” he said.


Tessori emphasized that we shouldn’t forget that the events of May 9 made Pakistan look bad in front of the entire world. The attackers showed no respect for the people who died and their families. Those who were responsible for these actions also showed a great lack of respect for the people who protect our country.

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