In a first, Rawalpindi police recruit a transgender officer

For the first time in their history, the Rawalpindi police have recruited a transgender as a police officer in their squad.

According to details, Reem Sharif, a prominent transgender rights activist in Islamabad will now join the police department as a police officer.

Reem proved that she has all the skills required to become a 14-grade police officer and will now be deployed in Rawalpindi’s women police force. She is expected to begin her duties soon.


Speaking on her appointment, Sharif said, “I am delighted to be in this position. Through this, I will have the option to deal with some of the most pressing issues faced by my transgender community.”

“I knew I needed to live my life and be true to who I was. I need to be honest with myself, and that was coming out as a transgender woman”, she added.

Reem further said, “I don’t consider this position as a career ladder but as a milestone for representing my community. My presence will make it comfortable for the transgender community”.

Meanwhile, the Rawalpindi police station, with the purpose to provide justice to the trans community, who face constant abuse from society, has also made a special desk to provide them with equal rights.

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