Former Prime Minister (PM) and Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) supremo Nawaz Sharif’s pre-recorded press conference with his daughter PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz was released on Sunday.

During the interview, when Sharif was asked about the possibility of becoming PM of Pakistan for the fourth time, he smilingly said, “Inshallah” (Hopefully).

The former premier began the interview by narrating the whole incident of his wife’s [Kalsoom Nawaz] illness and then her death. He said that he and Maryam were both in jail when they got to know about his wife’s death in London.


He said when his wife was on her deathbed, people made fun of it. He said that one time when he was in court, he was informed that his wife’s health had worsened.

“I went back to the jail and asked the jail superintendent to give me the phone so I can contact my family but he didn’t allow it.”

He revealed that after three hours, he was informed about his wife’s death. He then said the bearers of the news were on their way to inform his daughter [who was also in Kot Lakhpat]. “At that point, I said no, I will do it and when I told her, she was in shock,” Nawaz said.

He added that such events “are never forgotten and this loss can never be repaired or forgotten”.

‘We were the ones to say absolutely not’: Nawaz Sharif

Addressing Imran’s stance of “absolutely not” to US airbases, Nawaz said, “We were the ones to say absolutely not. They offered us $5 billion but we said absolutely not. We don’t want it,” he was referring to the nuclear tests conducted during his tenure.

According to Nawaz, when he was in power, his government had brought economic prosperity, finished loadshedding, increased employment, and eliminated terrorism but Imran Khan ruined it all. He said that now there is inflation everywhere.

“He [Imran Khan] has taken a U-turn with regard to everything. He claimed that he would prefer dying by suicide instead of striking a deal with the IMF,” Nawaz said.

Taking a jibe at Khan, Nawaz said that during Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf’s (PTI) tenure foreign relations had also been affected.

‘Revenge, not a court’s decision’: Nawaz Sharif

Moreover, he alleged that he was punished and disqualified for life by the Supreme Court (SC) but now lifetime disqualification is being criticised as “draconian” by SC judges.

Nawaz questioned whether there was a “valid reason” for the decision. “Disqualified for life and removed from the PML-N presidency. This is revenge, not a court’s decision,” he added.

Regarding the recent alleged audio leaks of Khan, Nawaz said that “the one who plotted has turned out to be the biggest conspirer”.