
‘Jigar to Jigar’: woman donates liver to husband

News Desk

Feb 08

A woman donated part of her liver to save her husband’s life in Sindh, reports Geo.

After the operation, the woman said that they have been married for ten years but they have no children and her husband is everything for her. She also said that she can donate every organ of her body just to save her husband’s life. In the video, the woman looked happy with a smile on her face.

The reporter asked her how is she feeling about donating her jigar (liver), to which she said, “He is my jigar.” She added that she loves her husband a lot.

The successful and free liver transplant was performed at Abdul Qadir Shah Jilani Institute of Medical Sciences, Gambat, Khairpur. According to doctors, both the husband and wife are healthy after the operation.


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