Karachi woman takes loud hens to court

Karachi woman takes loud hens to court

A hearing was held in the Sindh High Court (SHC) on a petition against keeping chickens in homes filed by a Karachiite woman named Samira, reports Geo.

SHC has sought responses from relevant institutions including the Cantonment Board on the petition against rearing chickens in residential urban areas.
Chief Justice Aqeel Abbasi inquired whether the relevant institutions have received complaints about the hens.

Samira said that the Cantonment Board is not doing anything whereas hens are not allowed according to their own rules. The petitioner said that the hens create noise that reaches the whole area.


The Chief Justice remarked that chickens indeed are very mischievous and make a lot of noise.

The court asserted that in earlier times, naughty boys used to slaughter chickens and eat them up but what can be done now to get these chickens.

The next hearing is scheduled to be held on April 23.

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