Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif announced on Saturday that government institutions causing substantial financial losses will face closure in the coming months.

Addressing the nation, the Prime Minister cited the Pakistan Public Works Department as an example, labeling it a financial burden on the nation. “I have made the decision to shut down institutions that drain resources instead of contributing to our progress,” he stated, revealing the formation of a ministerial committee to oversee this process.

“I will return to you with further updates in the coming months,” PM Shehbaz affirmed, emphasizing the significance of these measures in reducing expenditure and conserving funds.


Highlighting recent diplomatic achievements, the Prime Minister referenced successful investment commitments secured during his visits to China and the Middle East. He began his address by addressing the situation in Palestine and the issue of Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

Reflecting on the political landscape, PM Shehbaz discussed the performance of the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) post the removal of former Prime Minister Imran Khan through a vote of no-confidence in 2022.

Celebrating his government’s completion of 100 days in office, the Prime Minister underscored recent reductions in petrol and diesel prices announced on Friday. “We must foster an environment conducive to investment, business, and education for our talented youth,” he asserted.

PM Shehbaz stressed the importance of cultivating domestic investment before seeking foreign investments, envisioning Pakistan’s self-reliance and advancement ahead of its neighbors.

Regarding economic achievements, he pointed to the Pakistan Stock Exchange’s rise to 77,000 points as a testament to the positive reception of the government’s recently unveiled federal budget.