Actress Zara Noor Abbas recently shed light on the societal pressures faced by men, emphasising their need for leverage in both society and relationships. She was invited as a guest in ‘Zardast’ hosted by Wasi Shah, where she speaks out about the pressures men face.

Zara Noor Abbas said, “Men deserve leverage in society and from their partners. The pressure of being responsible for everything, amidst economic stress and a challenging environment, is not easy. If women want their rights, they should also be willing to give men their due rights.”


She stressed that its essential that everyone in the household shares responsibilities, allowing men to have quality time with their families and not be perpetually burdened with work. “Men need to prioritise their health, too, as they’re more prone to heart attacks. It’s crucial for them to take care of themselves and quit harmful habits like smoking.”

Zara Noor Abbas is the daughter of Asma Abbas, and niece of Bushra Ansari. She is married to actor Asad Siddiqui.