‘Military court trial likely for Imran Khan,’ government sources say

‘Military court trial likely for Imran Khan,’ government sources say

Criminal evidence against the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Imran Khan and military evidence against former spymaster General Faiz Hameed pertaining to the May 9 riots, has been collected.

Government sources told The News that the decision to hand Khan over to an army official on the pretext of an Army Act trial is yet to be made.

Based on evidence, Khan’s trial will undoubtedly be in the military court. However, civilians could be exempted as their cases are pending in the Supreme Court, revealed the sources.


A Cabinet Committee declared former Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan guilty of the May 9 riots in the report prepared by the caretaker government.

Report reads. “Evidence shown to the cabinet committee indicates several leaders were included in planning the May 9 riots, and Imran Khan contributed actively.”

It further read, “Investigations conducted so far suggest there were 34 individuals who masterminded the strategy of violent street power, actively contributed to planning the violence and mayhem.”

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