Inclusion of Afghans in fake family tree revealed in NADRA
National Database Registration Authority (NADRA) Chairman Lieutenant General Munir Afsarhas has revealed that the organisation’s own employees have been involved in the issuance of fake Computerised National Identity Cards (CNICs).
As reported by The News, the chairman brought the matter to light on Wednesday during an address to the Senate Committee as other related concerns were raised regarding fake CNICs, citizens’ family data in the black market, and issuance of multiple SIMS on a single CNIC and its use in illegal activities.
He highlighted Afghans had been included in fake family trees and that officials kept tampering with fake documents, without fingerprint or photo records due to which actions were taken against the officials.
Chairman NADRA, however, said that NADRA has established a transparent and firm system to prevent fake identity cards.
He stated that NADRA had already taken action against the employees who resorted to illicit activities. While 84 officials have been suspended up until now, others have escaped “punishment due to the absence of a law dealing with the Privacy of Data Law”
Senator Bahramand Khan Tangi, mover of the bill, brought the attention to The Criminal Law (Amendment) Bill, 2023, highlighting that the false accusations and “malicious criminal prosecution” is a grave concern.
Through this Amendment bill, the period of punishment for the aforementioned offences is to be increased.
And while the matter concerns provinces, the secretary of interior told the committee that a letter had been sent which is yet to be responded to.