Ayaz Sadiq, former Speaker of the National Assembly and senior leader of Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), has claimed that the party supremo, Nawaz Sharif, will return to Pakistan in January 2023.

The PML-N leader made the claim while speaking on Geo News’ programme ‘Capital Talk’ while talking about his party head, who has been living in London in self-exile for the past almost four years.

Nawaz will allocate tickets to candidates for the next general elections, Ayaz Sadiq said, adding that polls would be held in the country in 2023.


“It seems that the assemblies would be dissolved between March-June 2023,” he predicted.

The PML-N supremo had left for London in November 2019 following an illness in jail after then prime minister Imran Khan had permitted him to go abroad for medical treatment.