
Nepra approves price increase of Rs9.66 per unit for Karachi

News Desk

Jul 04

On account of the fuel cost adjustment (FCA) for May 2022, the National Electric Electricity Regulatory Authority (Nepra) allowed K-Electric to increase its power rate by Rs9.66 per unit on Monday.

According to Aaj News, Nepra will make the announcement following careful consideration.

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In order to transfer the financial burden of Rs22.65 billion to consumers for May 2022, K-Electric requested an increase of Rs11.34 per unit.

Officials from Nepra questioned K-Electric during a hearing about why it wasn’t buying less expensive electricity and offered to help K-Electric establish a connection with the provincial and federal governments for this reason.

The power distributor also questioned K-Electric’s decision not to use the inexpensive oil it had acquired for power production.

Nepra’s representatives responded that the company was using peak hours, which are from 6:30 PM to 10:30 PM, to provide electricity and that the cost of power is much greater at these times.

The FCA estimate for May 2022, according to K-Electric, was based on the requested rate for the month from CPPA-G and is subject to change based on a decision to be made by Nepra.

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In its FCA adjustment request, the power utility informed the regulator that it imports from outside sources and dispatches power from its own generating units (with the available fuel resources) in accordance with economic merit orders (EMOs).


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