
Pakistan can face Ebola outbreak warns NIH

News Desk

Oct 13

The National Health Organization (NIH) has voiced concerns that the Ebola virus could travel from the African nation of Uganda to Pakistan.

The NIH recently released a warning on a potential Ebola outbreak in Pakistan, advising institutions that might be affected to be on high alert.
It stated that last month, Uganda reported 36 Ebola cases, resulting in 23 fatalities.

The Central Health Establishment will keep an eye on travellers travelling from Uganda, and the NIH will be informed of any suspected Ebola cases arriving in Pakistan.

The most recent outbreak of Ebola in humans has been triggered by the SUDV virus, said the advisory.

The advice claims that regional and international authorities are concerned about the spread of Ebola.

Ebola is a potentially deadly virus that can kill up to 90 per cent of affected patients. It’s symptoms include fever, diarrhea, body aches and eventually internal and external bleeding. The highly contagious virus was first reported in 1976 in Africa. It can be spread through contact with an affected person’s bodily fluids.




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