Federal Minister for Information Technology Syed Amin Ul Haque unveiled ‘Beep Pakistan,’ the country’s own messaging app, to serve as an alternative to the popular platform WhatsApp. The app was introduced during a launching ceremony, where Minister Haque emphasised its significance for Pakistan’s IT industry.
During the initial 30-day trial run, ‘Beep Pakistan’ will facilitate internal communication between the Ministry of IT and Communication and the National Information Technology Board (NITB). In subsequent phases, the app will be rolled out to all government departments and eventually made available to the general public across the country.
Minister Haque acknowledged that while neighbouring countries like India and Bangladesh had already introduced alternative messaging apps, Pakistan was still making a crucial stride in the right direction. He highlighted the app’s unique selling point, assuring users that it will be 100% secure, with its servers and source code residing in Pakistan.
The app boasts an array of features, including data sharing, audio calling, video calling, and conference calling capabilities. Its focus on data security and privacy resonates with the nation’s growing concerns regarding cybersecurity.
Praising the efforts of the National Information Technology Board (NITB), Minister Haque expressed pride in Pakistan’s successful creation of a WhatsApp alternative. The app’s development signifies the country’s ambition to bolster its domestic IT industry and reduce dependency on foreign platforms.
According to Brecorder, beyond messaging app developments, Minister Haque highlighted the Ministry of IT’s broader initiatives. Over the last 3.5 years, the ministry has spearheaded 83 new projects, investing a total of Rs77 billion across Pakistan. These projects primarily targeted second- and third-tier cities to enhance connectivity and digital infrastructure in remote areas.
Additionally, the Ministry of IT has been actively promoting digital literacy and skills development among young Pakistanis. As of now, over 3.3 million children have received digital skills training, empowering them with valuable knowledge for the digital era.
The government has also demonstrated its commitment to nurturing the startup ecosystem through the establishment of three new National Incubation Centres (NIC) during Minister Haque’s tenure. These centres provide vital support and resources to budding entrepreneurs and innovators across the country.
As ‘Beep Pakistan’ begins its trial phase, expectations are high for the app to gain traction among government officials and eventually become a popular communication tool for citizens. With an emphasis on security, user-friendly features, and localization, the app aims to carve its own path in the digital landscape of Pakistan.