Pope Francis gives approval for priests to bless same-sex couples

A document released by the Vatican states that Pope Francis, the head of the Catholic Church, has formally cleared the way for priests to bless same-sex couples without subjecting them to “an exhaustive moral analysis”.

The Pope, however, has maintained that marriage is a lifelong sacrament that can only be between a man and a woman. Blessings can be offered because, “Ultimately, a blessing offers people a means to increase their trust in God,” the document said.

The document laid out the conditions in which a union like this can be blessed. Blessings should not be offered at the same time as a civil union or with the garb traditionally used in weddings.


Another condition is that the priest should use “pastoral charity” when blessing such couples.

Monday’s announcement is not a total surprise as the Pope has hinted in the past that he might formally approve same-sex blessings. It has also reversed a 2021 ruling which condemned same-sex unions as a “sin”.

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