Bhook hartaal! PTI leaders to stay hungry from 3pm to 7pm to protest Khan’s arrest

PTI leaders

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leaders held a hunger strike outside the Parliament House on Tuesday, in symbolic opposition to founder PTI Imran Khan’s and party workers’ incarceration on Tuesday.

The strike was led by PTI’s Secretary General Omar Ayub, along with PTI Chairman Gohar Ali Khan and other senior members.

The symbolic hunger strike is scheduled from 3 PM to 7 PM.


Meanwhile, the Sunni Ittehad Council has also decided to establish a hunger strike camp in Punjab, following the PTI’s example in the federal capital, on July 24 outside the Punjab Assembly from 3 PM to 7 PM.

Opposition Leader in the Punjab Assembly, Malik Ahmad Bachhar, said that the decision to initiate the hunger strike was taken under the directive of Imran Khan.

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