Rubya Chaudhry opens up about her divorce
“Divorce doesn’t always mean sadness,” says Rubya Chaudhary, who recently opened up about her own experience.
In an Instagram post, the model-turned-actor said: “I always knew people can be crass and ill-mannered, but there isn’t anything like experiencing it first-hand. I don’t even so much as humour these types usually, but in some situations one just HAS to put their foot down.”
“I got married a few years ago, and then got divorced super quickly after,” she shared. “And that’s that really. Never really put my private life up for people to speculate about in the first place, but I don’t blame them for being curious about such matters. Well now you know.”
“I’d also like to add that divorce doesn’t always mean sadness and death and hayay hayay yeh kya hogya! Hayayyy bachi ki zindagi tabaaah ho gai! It could also mean bachi ki zindagi tabaah honay say BACH gayee,” she remarked.
“It also means a second chance at love, at life, at all the wonderfully amazing chapters that may have never actualized had you chosen the dead-end as your destiny. Choose to thrive. Choose divorce if it ain’t your scene and stop worrying about all the ill-mannered and crass people around,” she wrote.
Concluding her post, Chaudhry shared that she didn’t have to share this but she chose to for “hundreds of thousands of women who are made to feel like they should be ashamed if their marriages didn’t work out, who are told time and again by their own husbands and in-laws that there’s something wrong with them, that they need to change themselves to fit into some mould of the perfect wife (whatever that is), who’re gaslighted continuously and stripped of their vibrant personalities.”
Rubya tied the knot with an acclaimed musician Meekal Hasan in 2016.