Foreign exchange reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) fell by $239 million, reaching $8.896 billion as of June 21, according to data released by the central bank on Thursday.

The total liquid foreign reserves held by Pakistan stood at $14.207 billion, with net foreign reserves held by commercial banks at $5.311 billion. The central bank attributed the decline to external debt repayments.

“During the week ended on June 21, 2024, SBP reserves decreased by $239 million to $8.896 billion due to external debt repayments,” the SBP stated.


This comes after a $31 million increase in the central bank’s reserves the previous week. In May, the SBP’s reserves had surged by $1.114 billion, surpassing $9 billion for the first time in nearly two years.

This increase was primarily due to the disbursement of the last $1.1 billion tranche from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) under its $3 billion Stand-By Arrangement.

The fluctuating reserves highlight the ongoing financial challenges faced by Pakistan, particularly in managing its external debt obligations and maintaining a stable economic outlook.