Social media calls for boycotting Marvel movie with Israeli ‘superhero’

Marvel movie

The global anti-Israel movement led by BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions ) and other pro-Palestinian groups are calling for a boycott of the Disney and Marvel film Captain America: Brave New World, featuring Israeli comic-book superhero Sabra (Ruth Bat Seraph).

On July 12, Marvel dropped the first teaser for the film, set to release next February, which portrays Sabra as a “high-ranking US government official” instead of a Mossad agent, which she is in the comics.

The change has come in the context of critique that was showered upon Marvel after it announced that the character will be part of the new movie. The character of Sabra was first introduced in the 1980s Hulk comics but Marvel studios has said that it would be “taking a new approach to the character.”


While this change of approach is criticised by pro-Israel factions, it was also heavily lambasted by pro-Palestinian groups. In a social media post, BDS stated: “Palestinians call for intensifying pressure on Disney and Marvel to drop anti-Palestinian character.”

“We call for boycotting Disney+ subscriptions, Marvel merchandise and all screenings of Captain America: Brave New World,” the BDS National Committee, Jewish Voice for Peace, and Movement for Black Lives collectively posted. “Disney’s superficial changes to the character cannot erase its decades-long complicity in Israeli propaganda,” the post added.

The slider, posted by BDS, emphasised that “By reviving this racist character in any form, Marvel is promoting Israel’s brutal oppression of Palestinians.”

The criticism is also deeply rooted in the casting of Shira Haas, who has previously volunteered for the genocidal Israeli military even though she was exempted due to “stunted growth” because she suffered from a form of cancer while she was a toddler. She voluntarily enlisted herself in the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) Military Band and theatre unit.

“The character has long glorified violence against Palestinians, working for the Israeli government and military, which are now annihilating Palestinians in Gaza,” the post elaborated.

A user on X shared that “(Marvel) has announced the character on the 40th anniversary of the event. BDS are calling for a boycott. Don’t watch.”

Another user shared her stance by writing, “Just a reminder now that a new Deadpool & Wolverine trailer was released that Marvel is being boycotted just like McDonald’s and Starbucks because the next Captain America movie is going to have an Israeli superhero, Sabra, played by a literal IDF soldier, Shira Haas.”

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