
VIDEO: 50 rare Himalayan ibex spotted in Hunza valley

News Desk

Jan 14

As many as 50 rare Himalayan ibex, including females with their young ones, were spotted by officials of the World Wide Fund (WWF) near Khyber village in Hunza Valley.

According to WWF, the Himalayan Ibex is found at an average altitude of 3,660 meters and they usually come down the mountain due to snow and in search of food in the winter season.

Elaborating further, the animal rights body said: “The population faces numerous threats across its range in Pakistan, from habitat loss to illegal hunting, climate change, and lack of awareness about the species.”

“Despite these challenges, a significant increase has been recorded in their population as a result of continued and concerted efforts of the local community, Gilgit-Baltistan Wildlife Department and WWF,” it added.

A survey conducted in 2019 by the government and local communities revealed that almost 1500 ibex were sighted in Ghulkin catchments in recent years.

“The sighting of such a large herd is a welcome indicator of the conservation success of WWF in its fiftieth year in Pakistan,” expressed WWF-Pakistan Senior Director Programmes Rab Nawaz.

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The photographs of the ibex have been captured by photographers Nyal Mueenuddin and Imtiaz Ahmed.


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