World Bank cuts Pakistan’s GDP growth forecast from 4% to 2%

Pakistan GDP growth forecast down

Due to the unstable economy and floods, the World Bank predicted that Pakistan’s economic growth would drop by half, falling by 4 per cent to 2 per cent, during the current fiscal year.

According to the Bank’s latest report, “Global Economic Prospects,” Pakistan is experiencing growing economic woes, especially those caused by the recent flooding as well as ongoing policy and political uncertainties.

“Pakistan faces mounting economic difficulties and Sri Lanka remains in crisis. In all regions, improvements in living standards over the half-decade to 2024 are expected to be slower than from 2010-19,” the World Bank stated in Global Economic Prospects released on Tuesday.


Pakistan’s currency declined by 14 per cent between June and December, and its national risk premium climbed by 15 per cent over this same time frame due to the nation’s low foreign exchange reserves and rising sovereign risk.

It went on to say that growth is anticipated to pick up to 3.2 per cent in the fiscal year 2023–24 (FY24), still under previous forecasts, as the country implements policy measures to stabilise macroeconomic conditions, inflationary pressures subside, and reconstruction after the floods gets underway.

According to the analysis, Pakistan’s recent floods are thought to have cost the country damage equal to 4.8 per cent of GDP.

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