
Why you need to write for Aap ki Awaaz

News Desk

Jan 29

As a budding journalist, student or just someone who has an interest in writing, one often questions what should I write and where can my work be published? Will I be able to put across my voice for the world to hear and learn from or will it just be something that I post on my personal social media instead of sharing it with the world? So here is a chance for all of you.

The Current is soon going to launch its sister website, ‘Aap ki Awaaz’, an important platform that is of the people, by the people, for the people. It will be the voice and stories of the people as they want the world to hear and read it.

This is one space that will be fully covering the raw emotion of the people. We at The Current have been overwhelmed after reading some great pieces written by the younger generation. Listening to their inspiring stories and understanding how at times the mainstream media just can’t provide a space for the common person’s story has made us realise how important this platform will be.

To our readers and students, ‘Aap ki Awaaz’ will serve as one platform where you can learn and then write for. The best part is you are not bound by any one genre. The website will allow you to be creative and write whatever you like, be it on history, fashion, politics, sports or lifestyle. So grab your pens, keyboards, cameras, mobiles, Aap ki Awaaz needs to be heard out loud by the common man.


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