Amitabh Bachchan shared a video on Instagram, showing a little boy with amazing cricket skills. Senior Bachchan praised the boy’s skills, noting that this meant that the future of Indian cricket was in safe hands.
Well, tiny problem. The boy in the video is not Indian. He’s Pakistani. The video comes from Instagram user Raza Mahar, who shared videos of his toddler nephew playing cricket. In his bio, he mentions that he is from Sindh, Pakistan.
Pakistani singers Asim Azhar and Goher Mumtaz offered clarification to Bachchan by commenting underneath his Instagram post.
Mumtaz had written:
“@amitabhbachchan sir, this kid is from pakistan, saw this a while ago through a Pakistani page with his ID, but future of cricket is in our hands if we agree to play in each other’s country Inshallah …btw, greatest fan of yours🙏🏻😊”
Azhar had written:
“Dear sir, huge fan from 🇵🇰!
And like my friend @gohermumtazofficial mentioned this kid is from pakistan but you are definitely right on the part where the future is in safe hands for both the sides if we bring back the old days soon where we get to see both stars play on both sides 💗🙏🏽”