Everyone wants strong bones that will last a lifetime. Calcium is very important for both children and teens, as well as adults.

Here is a table that will give you an idea about the number of serves of calcium-rich foods your child needs every day.

Serves Per Day


2-3 Years4-8 Years9-11 Years12-13 Years14-18 Years

We all know that dairy products are rich in calcium but most children are not very fond of dairy products. Here is a list of food items that are rich in calcium.

Ice cream

You all will be surprised to know that ice cream also has a lot of calcium. Though milk and yogurt are definitely a better choice.


While almonds are known to boost brain power and memory, they are also a very good source of calcium.

Green Vegetables

Many green vegetables such as spinach, okra and sweet potatoes are an excellent source of calcium.


Cereals are a good way of adding calcium to your/ your child’s diet. Ragi, brown rice, etc are a good source of calcium.

Fish and Meat

Fish such as tuna, salmon, are an excellent source of calcium, while meat such as beef is also a good source.


Eggs are amongst one of the first few food items that you may give to your baby. Eggs are rich in calcium and can be used in various forms and dishes.