In a groundbreaking experiment, Swiss public radio station Couleur 3 introduced a one-day programming event that showcased the capabilities of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Over the course of thirteen hours, the station’s airwaves were controlled entirely by AI, featuring cloned voices of five real human presenters and music composed predominantly by computers, marking a world-first endeavor.

With voices resembling well-known personalities, music filled with trendy dance beats and hip-hop syncopations, and contagious jokes and laughter, the AI-led broadcast aimed to blur the boundaries between human and machine. Regular reminders reiterated the AI’s control over the programming, emphasising its presence throughout the day.

Despite concerns about the potential long-term economic, cultural, social, and political consequences of AI and generative AI tools like ChatGPT, Couleur 3 embraced the experiment as a means to confront and demystify AI. Antoine Multone, the station’s chief, defended the project as a valuable lesson on coexisting with AI, rather than fearing its inevitable integration into society.


To achieve the lifelike voices of presenters, Couleur 3 collaborated with software company Respeecher, which has experience working with Hollywood studios. Training the AI to understand the station’s unique and offbeat vibe took three months of preparation. The tracks aired during the day were partly or entirely composed by AI, a notable feat in the world of radio.

To ensure clarity between real and synthetic news, the AI-delivered top-of-the-hour news flashes presented futuristic scenarios set in the year 2070. This approach aimed to avoid confusion with current real-world news.

Feedback from listeners flooded the station, with mixed reactions. While some found the experiment intriguing, many expressed a desire for the return of human presenters. The discussion around the experiment continued, with plans for an on-air discussion led by real people to address the audience’s perspectives.

Ultimately, Couleur 3’s bold experiment showcased the potential of AI in the broadcasting realm while raising important questions about the future of human involvement in media and the need to understand and harness AI technology responsibly.