BEWARE: 19 water-bottle brands unsafe for consumption

water-bottle brands

It has been long debated that there are possible health risks when it comes to consuming plastic water bottles.

19 brands of drinking water bottles have been deemed unsafe by Pakistan Council for Research in Water Resources.

PCRWR has been instructed by the government to keep a track of bottled and mineral water brands on a quarterly basis, and to publicly release the results.


185 samples of brands were collected from 21 cities from January to March, and were then tested against the water quality standards of Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority (PSQCA) which then revealed that 19 brands are unsafe for human consumption because of microbiological or chemical contamination.

Six brands that are unsafe due to higher levels of sodium include Hensley Pure Water, Pure Life, Natural Pure Life, Klear, Am Mughal Pure Water and Nero.

Nero is said to have high level of total dissolved solids (TDS) than the set limit.

Likewise, Cleana, Orwell and Still have high level of arsenic.

Starlay, Al-Faris Water, Nestlo Healthy Water, Nesspure, Pure Life, Natural Pure Life, Nesspak, Geo Max Premium, Cleana, Splash, Karakorum, Heavenly and 7 Bro are reportedly contaminated with bacteria.

The public has been advised to read the report and aware themselves about the water quality of bottled water being consumed.

The detailed report is available on

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