Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) senior leader Dr Yasmin Rashid was shifted on Wednesday to Services Hospital as her health worsened in Lahore’s Kot Lakhpat jail, where she has been incarcerated since months.

Hospital administration confirmed to Geo News that the senior politician had felt abdominal pain and was then shifted to the hospital for medical tests.

Doctors will observe the cancer survivor for 24 hours to confirm stability.


The Kot Lakhpat jail’s medical officer released a document declaring Yasmin Rashid a “critical prisoner.” As per the issued document, the senior politician hasn’t eaten anything since Wednesday morning.

Dr Yasmin is reportedly also dehydrated due to continuous vomiting at the jail.

The senior PTI leader has been in jail for months in cases linked with the May 9 violent protests that erupted last year after the arrest of PTI founder Imran Khan in a corruption case.