Actress Mehar Bano appeared as a guest on Samaa news’ ‘Had Kar Di’ where she opened up about her viral 2021 video from Aurat March where she was seen defending gay rights. The video led to extensive backlash, with Mehar Bano receiving a lot of hate on social media. She has been open about how she sought therapy to deal with suicidal thoughts.
Reflecting on the video, Mehar Bano revealed she did not regret what she had said, but feels she could have conveyed her words in a more understandable manner.
“I don’t regret anything that I said. After the backlash I felt that maybe I should have worded things differently. Maybe the things I had tried to say regarding Aurat March, it wasn’t communicated well to the audience.
“Whatever happened it was a learning experience for me,” Mehar Bano addded, “and I continued to learn from everything that happens around me and everything that I do.”